Lead VPK Teacher (Opened 4/29/2024)

YMCA of Boca Raton
6631 Palmetto Circle South, Boca Raton, 33433


The VPK Teacher with staff credential must also have:

• Completed the Emergent Literacy for VPK Instructors, Language and Vocabulary in the VPK Classroom and Implementing the Florida Standards for Preschool Classrooms: 3 years old to Kindergarten.
• Knowledge of the CLASS tool, Classroom Assessment Scoring System
• The ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing with parents, Preschool Director and other staff.
• The ability to plan lessons effectively so that students may participate in activities, which enhance readiness skills in various subject areas, (Language Arts, Math/ Science, Fine and Gross Motor, Arts, etc.).
• The ability to arrange the classroom to provide a flexible social environment that encourages both shared learning and independent growth.

Employment Details

The VPK Teacher must demonstrate a commitment to the Mission and goals of the YMCA of South Palm Beach County and must demonstrate an ability to work effectively with people and be a team player. The VPK Teacher must have attained a bachelor’s degree, associate’s degree from an accredited college or university or CDA.
The basic 45-hour DCF child care training is required to be completed prior to employment.

Contact Information

Patty Costopoulos



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